пятница, 15 июня 2007 г.


Eccentricity comics about Hyper tolerance. MS Paint is the "Best" :))

Tolerast and Cthulhu

- Cthulhu, why do you eat people? Is it a good act?
- But I don't eat people because of the color of their skin or their religion!
- Whoops! So you are tolerant of all people equally! Continue what you are doing!

Download full version (800x600)

Tolerast, Blonde and Rapists.

(B) - Help! I know they want to rape Me!
(R) - Ha Ha Ha! Nobody will help you!
(B) - Tolerast! You my hero!Do you beat them up?
(R) - Oups! Lets get out of here!
(T) - To kick them the face? No! It`s not tolerant!
(T) - I let him fuck my ass...
(B) - Whoops! It`s so tolerant!

Download full version (800x600)

More cartoons on http://community.livejournal.com/liberal_ass/

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